The first day of a month has always made me smile.
It's probably because I like to smile and I like new months. So, they go together nicely.
I went camping over the weekend.
It was fun and I have decided to remember it as being fun.
I think I ate too much, but whatever.
Yesterday was really eye-opening.
I was caught up in a whole lot of emotions.
I am still organizing, still thinking.
I'm starting House again.
It is a great show and I feel the second time around will cause me to appreciate it even more and I think it's working. Sweet!
Today in class we're talking about moral responsibility of dreams.
It's an interesting topic, but just not now.
I'm really tired and I don't really want to pay attention more than I have to.
I'm just trying to stay awake...Don't judge me.
I remember in junior high I was really inattentive.
I could not (or was it would not) pay attention in class. (Like right now...hmm..interesting)
I would always get kicked out of class and most of the time it was my fault.
Almost everyday I would get kicked out of class and I would just sit in the hallway. It was interesting when I look back on it.
Today is going to be alright.
-Johny (: