Saturday, June 20, 2009

20 June 2009

Long time no post, but I've been trying to figure out how to change or delete this blog because I'm not using the email address anymore. I know how to delete this blog, but I can't change it even though I delete the blog.
So, I've decided to create a new blog.
Its url:

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

09 June 2009

I will probably elaborate more later so, don't be so impatient.
I've noticed two things about me these past few weeks.
Two things that I felt could be over-looked or worked out or..whatever, you know?
It doesn't seem to be the case.
I've always said that I'm not one for "fun" relationships, that God has, in His divine providence given me some sort of ability to stop liking a person when I feel they are not the "one."
I have some serious trust issues.
I guess I could thank God for that, for keeping me relationally pure through all these years. So, I am.
The other thing is I'm driven by guilt.
I'm constantly trying to rid myself of it by doing things.
And I know..I know..that I am guilt-free, but I can't help know..its hard.
Life is hard.
Good thing we aren't alone.

Monday, June 01, 2009

01 June 2009

The first day of a month has always made me smile.
It's probably because I like to smile and I like new months. So, they go together nicely.

I went camping over the weekend.
It was fun and I have decided to remember it as being fun.
I think I ate too much, but whatever.

Yesterday was really eye-opening.
I was caught up in a whole lot of emotions.
I am still organizing, still thinking.

I'm starting House again.
It is a great show and I feel the second time around will cause me to appreciate it even more and I think it's working. Sweet!

Today in class we're talking about moral responsibility of dreams.
It's an interesting topic, but just not now.
I'm really tired and I don't really want to pay attention more than I have to.
I'm just trying to stay awake...Don't judge me.

I remember in junior high I was really inattentive.
I could not (or was it would not) pay attention in class. (Like right now...hmm..interesting)
I would always get kicked out of class and most of the time it was my fault.
Almost everyday I would get kicked out of class and I would just sit in the hallway. It was interesting when I look back on it.

Today is going to be alright.

-Johny (: