Monday, January 12, 2009

12 January 2009

When I was writing the date to this post that I finally figured out how to spell January.
I really never bothered to find out how it was really spelled. I just thought that I would write it and if I got it right, good, and if I got it wrong, oh well everyone knows what I mean.
I haven't posted in a long while and its not because I've been busy.
I just needed a break from blogging, a winter break. I was going to say I needed a Christmas break, but the last post was on Christmas....yeah...

I could be totally wrong about this or I could be spot on, but to expect everything to come out the way I would hope it to would be highly naive and irresponsible.
People disappoint and that is a fact that people have to realize and then quickly get over because that is what happens when broken people are forced to live together and interact. I know that I sound cynical, but if I were to say, "always hope for the best because it will always come" that would be untrue and I would be setting myself up for a lot of disappointment. When I say "best" I mean it in the way depraved people might mean when they say best. The best car or best house and whatever else people want best to mean.
God doesn't always give you what you want, but He did give His best and He will continue to do so 'til this world that we live in ceases to exist.
Hope in that and you will never be disappointed.

-Johny (:


Blogger debbie said...

Actually, I don't think you sound cynical at all.

7:00 PM  

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