Friday, November 07, 2008

07 November 2008

This is my update for the week.
I know I said in a previous post that I would update every Monday, but I was tired and I'm sorry my faithful. (I think I can count all the readers with one hand.)
Since the last time I wrote Barack Obama was elected to the POTUS (President of the United States)
Monumental, Historic, any other adjectives that describe this.
I think we need to pray for him as we do all leaders before we start criticizing him or praising him.
In the end we all know who our real leader is.
So, before we start calling this man messiah let's look to our real Messiah.

Now, unto an issue that has been burning me for a good couple of years.
Actually, more than a couple of years.
Abortion and homosexuality.
First off as a Christian I'm going to say that I try to look at the world with the Bible as my leading authority. It doesn't always happen, but on these two issues that is what I will do.
Abortion is the killing of an unborn child. There I said it.
You can fight me all you want, but that's what it is.
It stops a beating heart. It is a dependent beating heart, but it is still beating and thriving.
If you don't believe that the baby is a fetus and has nothing to do with human life there is nothing really that I can say to argue with you.
I think I'm finished with that.
Homosexuality according to the Bible is a sin.
Now, I think its very popular in different circles nowadays to be more welcoming and accepting of people, but sin is never and can never be acceptable.
The thing is, homosexuality is not just a sin in the law, or in the old Bible "stories", or in the prophecies, or in the Gospels, or in the epistles, but its a sin throughout the whole Bible. How can you argue the fact that 1 if you confess to be a Christian and 2 if you believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God that homosexuality is not a sin.
People will call me a basher or a hater or whatever nasty words that they can think of.
The way I see it is I'm just following a command.
Not to hate people, but to hate sin.



Blogger debbie said...

Amen, brutha!

1:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen, "Brother"

Goodness Debbie, learn to spell =)

1:40 PM  
Blogger debbie said...

Wut doo yoo meen? LOL I'm perpleksed..

P.S. Johny, your post reminds me of this quote:

"All true everywhere, for everyone, under all conditions. Truth... is not simply 'true for us'; it is true for any who seek in order to find, because truth is true even if nobody believes it and falsehood is false even if everybody believes it. That is why truth does not yield to opinion, fashion, numbers, office, or sincerity - it is simply true and that is the end of it. It is one of the Permanent Things."
- Os Guinness

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think government should be involved in marriages.

I voted Yes on Prop 8, but I think marriage should be a strictly religious thing and EVERYONE should have "civil unions" as far as the law's concerned.

We can't call for equality, then cite a religious/truth creed or definition to determine other people's rights. So equalize everything, and leave the definition of "marriage" up to the church, clergy, and weddings held in/by them.

I highly doubt this will ever happen though.

12:28 AM  

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