Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It's time to give...

Wow...Today Michael Vick gave $10,000 to his former school.
Such a large sum for a man who makes probably makes 700 times that amount in the course of a year.
I've always been suspect to celebrities with almost unlimited funds that give money.
It was generous it was very generous, but he probably that much in a quarter....of a game. I don't ever think I would ever have that much money. I would either be giving it away or spending it.
Am I being too critical of a multi-millionaire who earned his money and probably deserves to spend every which way he pleases?
Yeah, probably.
But you know what...I don't care.
I see me who has very little income, lives with his parents, and can say to myself make more money get a better job, finish school, so that you can be successful and make a lot of money ,and impact people's lives in a way that only money can. Yeah that's all nice, but I'd rather impact people's lives in a way that only God can.
People with a lot of money should give more.
That's my final point.
But then again I never had a lot of money.
And it seems like people with a lot of money like to have a lot of money.


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