Friday, February 02, 2007

I'm not sure...

I figure.
If I'm here.
In this world.
Just here.
Why not be more than here?
Why be so inactive in my pursuit of...true worship?

Most often than not I find myself at a crossroad.
Well, I guess a lot people find themselves at crossroads a lot of times.
It's really easy to realize which choice I should make.
Real easy to determine which is the better, more Godlier, choice.
I guess my weakness is my inability to wrestle myself from not necessarily sinful decisions, but just not edifying decisions.
It's easy to choose which is the better, but actually going along that path is hard because the other choice isn't an outright sin. It's just not as beneficial.
Choices determine.

There is a reason.
I may not know right now.
I may not know in 5, 10, 15 years, but there is a reason.
Everything happens for a reason because God-ordained it that way. (I hope I'm not speaking heresy.)
It's my duty with the help of the Holy Spirit and reading God's will (the Bible) to carry out as blameless and God-fearing life as possible.

I'll find myself at crossroads again...
Probably more than many times.
I guess it's my job to be like Job.

...about this.


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